Baby Mama Essentials saying, Hello world!

As a stay at home mom of three beautiful children I wanted to do something that would truly make a difference in their world. Kids are so precious, full of life and happiness. The years have gone by and soon all three will be going to school full time. I know I need to do something as far as career and my own future. I worked in medicine for years, loved making a difference. All I know is I love my children with all my heart, but how could I proceed with a fulfilling career while taking care of all of my children’s needs.

I put all my thoughts and ideas together and now I have a online store called “Baby Mama Essentials”. Our company is dedicated to giving back with all pretaxed purchases you make. Money raised help fight Child Poverty, Food Allergy Awareness, Cystic Fibrosis, SIDS Research, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, and Melanoma. These have been ongoing issues in our society, at Baby Mama Essentials we continue to support all of our top charities and help in whichever way possible.

But being more realistic and in this new era our children are growing up in. My goal is to bring fourth brighter and happier everyday lives by raising money to better educate our children and help fight against Bullying in schools, Depression, Self Esteem Issues, and Drug Addiction. These are just a couple of todays challenges our children face these days with Peer Pressure. Don’t you want to be able to send your child to school and know they are safe.

I know we can do better to educate and bring fourth more resources for our kids. I think the public needs to also get better educated on the situation and stop criticizing those who have been given a bad hand in life. Children learn by what they see, so it starts with YOU. The adult!

Please help me, help our children. All you have to do is shop for essential items you are looking for and check out. It doesn’t cost you any more for doing so. I actually take a -2% cut, just so I can help contribute to happier days ahead for my kids.

Not only that, but all those who register or create a wish list may also be eligible to raise money for themselves. Such as help put food on the table for your families if money is tight. Help raise money for a charity or one whom is suddenly sick and needs funds to keep up with bills. Buy large bulk items at discount to possible give to a Children’s Cancer Ward, Whatever the case, feel free to contact me and we will do everything we can to help.

Happy blogging! Remember To Pay It ForwardOur Online Shop! 


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